
Welcome to the Clinix+ Pharmacy (IDA) and Highland Medical Centre!

Our mission is to provide the best of medical care to all of our patients.

We value everyone who visits us and take the time to provide each person with the professional medical care or medicine that they need. We are glad to answer any questions you may have about your unique situation and the care we are providing.

You can see a basic list of the main services we provide on this site but if you don’t see what you need, ask us anyway, as it may just not be listed. Check our contact information on ways to get in touch with us, or just drop in any time!

We have a full family practice on site as well, to monitor your health and provide professional advise and services.

Our aim is to provide exactly what you need to be in the best of health throughout your life, while making it as affordable as possible.

Caring Beyond Prescriptions!